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Below is a list of frequently asked questions. Please click the relevant category first. Feel free to email us if your question is not answered here!
What's the Fastest Way to Book an Appointment?It’s easy! Click ‘Book Now’ to make your appointment. Detailed instructions regarding the appointment will be emailed to you within 15 minutes once you complete an online booking. Note that early morning and Saturday options fill up quickly, so please book well in advance if you would like one of these popular times. Please call or email if you are unable to use the online booking system.
How Can I Book My Family or Group?Family bookings are easy to do via our website. Look for a time online with availability for all members of your family. Please start with booking an appointment for yourself. Do not book any additional appointments using your own name. After booking your own appointment, click ‘My Account’. Scroll down and on the left and click ‘Family Members’. Click ‘Add Family Member’. Add all of your family members at this time. Then click ‘Book an Appointment’. Follow the standard process to book a date and time. You will be asked after a few steps who the appointment is for. Please remember to book a Child Appointment for children 14 years and under.
What Languages Are Spoken at Your Clinic?Our experienced team is from all over the World! Members of our clinic can speak Spanish, Farsi, Portuguese, Punjabi, Hindi, Mandarin, French, Tagalog, Japanese and Cantonese. While our staff can assist with questions and some translation, we ask that you bring a friend to communicate with the doctor if needed. If this is not possible, please let us know. You are also welcome to fill out your health history form in Spanish, Farsi, Mandarin or Punjabi. If you would like to book with a particular doctor or on a day when with a specific language spoken by our team, please email our clinic at We are happy to assist as best as we can.
Do You Offer the Ukrainian CUAET Medical Diagnostic Test?A Standard Canadian Immigration Medical Exam is the type of exam now required for Ukrainian Nationals. Prior to June 2024, the medical exam was refundable for Ukrainians, however IRCC has made changes to this program and in many cases the exam is no longer refundable. If you have received a CUAET Approval Letter with your name please bring this to your appointment and provide it to the reception staff to discuss your options. Note that not everyone will receive this letter. If you do not have this letter, you are required to complete and pay for a standard immigration exam. If you have any questions, please feel free to email or call our office.
What If I Need to Cancel My Appointment?We kindly ask that you cancel your appointment online if you are unable to make it. We have reserved the time with the doctor just for you and it is important that we know if you cannot make the time scheduled. Please log into your account to cancel your appointment. Otherwise, please call or email as soon as you can. We appreciate you taking the time to do this!
How Do I Prepare and What Should I Bring?Our team will take great care of you during your appointment! Fasting is not required for the exam and you are encouraged to eat and drink as normal. Note that you are not required to bring photographs, as we will do this at the clinic. Required of Everyone · Official government issued identification, such as a valid passport or a Canadian Refugee ID. Please note, if you are using a passport, you must bring the ORIGINAL. · If you have a previous or existing medical condition, please bring any medical reports or test results you have. · If you are taking any prescription medication please bring the prescription bottle to show the doctor. · If you have a history of HIV or Syphilis, please bring proof of your current/past treatment if possible. This will help to reduce the time it takes for your application to be processed. · Payment via cash, local debit card or credit card. Note that there is a $6 processing fee for credit cards. We also accept e-transfer if none of the above are available. For Canadian Immigration Medical Exams · Official government issued identification (such as a valid passport or a refugee ID). Please note, if you are using a passport, you must bring a valid ORIGINAL. · Please bring all documents that you have received from Immigration Canada, such as your Medical Report/IMM1017 form. Note that upfront medicals do not require these forms. If you will be having a medical exam for another country, employment or education, please email the forms to our clinic in advance. For Ukrainians (Medical Diagnostic Test) · Official government issued identification (such as your valid Ukraine passport) · If you have a Work Permit, please bring this with you to the clinic · If available, please bring the Medical Diagnostic Test Instructions form received at the border For Foreign Country Exams Prior to your appointment, please ensure you have emailed the forms to our clinic in advance.
Do I Need to Fast/Not Eat Before My Appointment?No fasting is required. You can eat and drink as usual. Please stay hydrated, as you will be required to provide a urine sample and give blood during your appointment.
I Have a Medical Condition or a Past History of a Serious Medical Issue. Will This Slow My Case Processing?If you have a known medical condition or a history with a serious medical issue such as cancer, we suggest that you gather your medical reports as best you can prior to your appointment. IRCC often asks for more medical information once a case has been submitted.We prefer to be proactive and to submit as much information as we can to IRCC with your initial case filing.For example, we often will need reports providing proof of treatment for past TB or Syphilis. Or if you have had cancer in the past, proving oncology reports upfront will usually speed up the processing time. If you believe this may apply to you, be proactive and contact your medical providers to ask for copies of your reports.
What Can I Expect During a Canadian Immigration Medical Exam?The standard procedure for Canadian immigration medical examinations includes questions about your health history and a physical examination. Note that no internal examinations take place and breast exams are only completed if there is a history of breast cancer. A female staff chaperone is available to join you in the exam room if you wish. You are not required to undress. Urinalysis is required for those ages 5 and older and X-Rays are required for those 11 years and older. Blood tests are required for those 15 years and older. Photos will be taken on site during your visit to our office for your application.
How Long Does an Immigration Medical Exam Take?The exam will take approximately 1.5 - 2 hours of time. Laboratory testing and your x-ray will take place all within close proximity and on the same day.
Will My X-Ray, Lab Work and Exam Happen in the Same Location?Good News! Everything required for your exam will happen in approximately 2 hours and within very close proximity. We take care of everything - all you need to do is show up! The lab work and physician exam occur in the same building. Your X-ray will take place at a radiology clinic one block away on Monday - Friday. On Saturdays, the X-ray clinic is a 15 minute transit/car ride away. And don’t worry, we will schedule your x-ray appointment for you. Everything required for your Immigration Medical Exam will be completed within 2 hours at most.
My Application Requires Photographs. Do You Take Photos at the Clinic?Relax! We will take care of everything you need for your exam, including the application photographs. Our staff will take your photo at the beginning of your appointment.
When Will My Case Be Submitted to IRCC?If your health exam is normal, we guarantee that your health case will be submitted electronically via E-Medical within 10 business days, sometimes sooner! Please do not call to confirm submission as it is guaranteed within this time period. No News Is Good News! You will only hear from our office if your medical results are abnormal.
What Happens if There is an Abnormal Finding?If any of your exam results are abnormal, you will also be advised by IRCC and you may be required to return to our clinic to complete a follow-up furtherance appointment. Please note that there are additional fees for furtherance appointments and tests. Additional testing and physician appointments will likely delay the processing time of your case. If you have a known serious medical condition, we advise that you gather as much upfront documentation as possible prior to your appointment, such as surgical reports or confirmation of treatment.
Where Do I Find My Information Sheet or Proof of My Medical Exam?One the day of your appointment you will receive via email a PDF document called an Information Sheet. This is a very important document and we suggest you save it in a safe place. For those completing an Upfront Medical Exam, please upload this form to the IRCC portal.
Can I Get a Copy of My Medical Results?We get this question a lot! Clients are often surprised to learn that the lab work and x-ray required for Immigration is only relevant to communicable diseases and your kidney function. We do not perform a complete blood count (CBC), which is a general blood test often ordered by family doctors. If you test positive for HIV, Syphilis or poor kidney function, we will let you know and will provide you with the results upon request. If your x-ray findings include anything abnormal such as tuberculosis/TB, you will also be contacted by our clinic. Otherwise, if you have not heard from our clinic within 10 business days, please know that your results are normal.
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